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Subang Jaya Foodie Guide – What to Eat?

If you’re on the hunt for amazing food in Subang Jaya, look no further. This guide is your passport to the best dining experiences in the area, highlighting everything from sizzling Western delights to aromatic Thai treasures! Subang Jaya, known for its vibrant food scene,...
Hidden Dopamine Cafe - Celestial Event Cafe
Eats, Review

Hidden Dopamine Cafe in Taman Danau Desa!

Tucked away in the lively neighbourhood of Taman Desa, there’s a hidden gem for cafe hoppers – the Celestial Event Cafe. With its whimsical decor and inviting ambiance, this dopamine-inducing cafe offers a delightful escape from the hustle city life. The decorative corner of Celestial...
Eats, Recipe

Easy Homemade Coffee Recipes

Tired of the same old afternoon coffee routine? If you’re craving some excitement in your coffee game, we’ve got you covered with three delightful and easy homemade coffee recipes that will transform your coffee experience right in the comfort of your own home. No need...

10 Must-Visit Cafes around LRT Pasar Seni

Nestled in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, Pasar Seni is a vibrant and culturally rich neighborhood that’s known for its unique fusion of art, culture, and food. Amidst the bustling streets and the colourful markets, you’ll find a treasure trove of cafes, each with its...